
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Goal Update

I am behind on most of my goals.

I feel like a miserable failure. I am. But because of Christ I am holy. I don't understand it, but I trust God. I am justified in His eyes, though I continue to fail and sin. I am thankful for His grace! I want to obey God to show my gratitude for His grace.

Anyway, I'm behind on my goals.

I haven't cut my hair! That's one of my easier goals. And I am doing well with my goal of 30 books, I am almost done with three different books.

As for the Bible reading, I did well for the first few days. I started reading Daniel and got halfway through, but then I took a trip this week and didn't read my Bible at all. It's not an excuse, just an explanation. I should have read my Bible while I was gone. I had plenty of time.

My trip is also the reason I haven't been walking everyday. I hope to start doing that again tomorrow, though I actually did go on a little hike with my family today. I guess that counts :)

The one I am most behind on is my skirts-only goal. I haven't worn a skirt since I made that goal (except on Sunday). I had been wearing them more often recently, but I just haven't worn them lately. I was reminded of how immodest my jeans were when my brother told me they looked tight. It's nice to have brothers to help me make decisions about what is modest and what isn't.

So there is my goal update. What do you do when you get behind on your goals?


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